This past weekend, Lola earned her second Gamble run Q and moves up from Starters to Advanced. I'm very proud of her but honestly, the Gamble is a spastic run where she basically plots her own course as I try to keep up with her and grab her attention in the final seconds to get over the three last jumps. Now Lola thinks that every run should be a gamble and her stubborn streak(remember the one that made herding unbearable?) has begun filtering into every other type of course. Watching back the videos from some of our last runs it's so obvious that she runs independently of me and that I'm struggling to keep her away from the obstacles she wants to take. So, no more Gambles for us.
If this wasn't bad enough, the little one, the light of life, my heart dog, has been a brat during his last couple of herding classes. while JohnnyCash is far from stubborn, his problem right now is that he remains in a childlike state of mind. Yes, all of his good collie qualities are still there, eager to please, good judgment, natural instinct, but his work ethic isn't maturing and at this point we need to move forward. So, no more babying the baby.
The dogs are spoiled, I admit it. Obedience isn't so much a part of our household routine mainly because these are two very sweet, and for the most part, well behaved dogs. But I have allowed a certain lack of structure and now that I see it affecting their performances in sport, I have to re evaluate my approach to some of our issues.
From now on: Lola crying to be picked up and put on the bed? Too bad. No jumping up, no bed for you. JC pulling the entire way to the park? One more tug and no park for you! Both dogs getting carrots just for being cute?? No more carrots! EVER!
Ok, I'm kidding. I'm not going to be an extremist and my dogs will always be coddled and at times, overindulged, but I am going to shake it up a bit. I did make a list of some changes I would like to see and I believe those changes are best achieved by working one on one with each dog and having them become less dependent on each other and more willing to work for me. I started yesterday by leaving one dog crated and spending quality time with the other and then visa versa.
I better go. I have to put Lola away and take JC out for a bikeride and then work on walking with him to the park without him pulling, then I want to play some crate games with him before leaving him alone to take Lola for a run and then do some distraction work with her and maybe even teach her a new trick to keep her from getting bored and this all has to take place before my scheduled workshift.
Or I could just take them to the park and throw the frisbee for 20 minutes knowing that will knock them out for the rest of the day...hhhmm...
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