And I thought not having kids would be easy
7:00am: JohnnyCash starts crying and demanding breakfast
7:45am: alarm goes off
8:05am: JC poops, Lola does not. Collect poop for vet appointment
8:10am: Wake up Lucy for vet appointment, look for Jack
8:25am: Still looking for Jack, panic
8:30am: Find Jack, load everybody into the truck, rush to make 8:30am vet appointment
8:45am-10:45am: vet
- Lola examination- Vet touches her everywhere, no problems. Why couldn't vet be the Canine Good Neighbor Evaluator?
- Lucy examination- Gum disease. Too much candy. Antiobiotics needed.
- Jack examination- still deaf.
- JohnnyCash- Broken tooth, X rays taken, surgery needed. Leave Lola alone with vet tech while looking at Xrays. She stays quiet and calm; why couldn't vet tech be the Canine Good Neighbor Evaluator?
- Everyone put on Revolution™ for heartworm, flea, and tick prevention.
11:00am: Unload everyone back at the house. Give Lucy medication, put ferrets to bed.
11:10am: Start all laundry, dusting, and vaccuuming. Clean up random ferret poop.
2:00pm: Have a piece of bread for lunch
2:15pm: Take JohnnyCash for bikeride around the neighborhood. Leave Lola home. She cries the entire time
2:30pm: Gather dogs, equipment, carrycase, treats, snacks, water.
3:00pm: Leave the house.
3:50pm: Arrive at Spot On.
4:00pm: Find out water was not closed properly and has spilled all over bag. Air out bag.
4:05pm: Work Lola on weaves, the tire, and 22" jumps rotating her breaks by putting her in the truck and taking JC out to play frisbee. Use sardines for training with exceptional results. Leave sardine can on top of truck to use washroom in Kathryn's house to wash sardines off hands. Open back of truck to get JC, use old towel to wipe off sardines when they fall over JC and crate. Cry, vow never again to use sardines as training motivation.
6:20pm: On the way back home take dogs to the Ajax Conservation Area for their last walk of the day. Spray everyone with Off™ because of all the bugs by the lake. Now stink like sardines and bugspray.
6:25pm: Feel great because JC is soo happy running running around in conservation area.
6:30pm: Swallow a million bugs, put Lola's bandana over face like a cowboy, keep walking.
7:00pm: Hose off dogs in driveway. Someone stinks like dead fish. Could be me.
7:15pm: Feed dogs.
7:30pm: Shower, make dinner, watch TV, drink wine, go to sleep.
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